Wednesday, June 29, 2011

5 Ways to Keep Your Car in Top Condition

Have you ever gone to look at a second hand car and seen the description, 'only driven by one older lady to church in a Sunday'? Whether true or not, this description has become a bit of cliche when it comes to describing a vehicle that has been well kept, and really looked after by the previous driver. But the fact is, a vehicle that has been looked after this well, is a vehicle that will be traded in at a higher price, meaning the owner will need to fork out less cash for their next car. Get your car up to scratch, fit it with the new mod cons such as reverse cameras and hands free holders, clean it thoroughly and look after it!

So how can you keep your car in the 'driven by one driver to church' condition?

1. Cleaning
The most obvious tip is restrict the kind of dirt and grime that enters the car, and clean it well. If you are eating and drinking in the car, or smoking, you are asking for trouble -- stains and smell are tough to get out, and often leave little shadows to show you they were there. Keep your car spotless, and clean it thoroughly, on a regular basis. If you can spare the extra cash, think about having it professionally detailed every now and then -- especially before you try to sell it.

2. Drive safely
This one is a no brainer. The safer you drive, the more vigilant you are, the more attention you pay to your own driving, the conditions and the drivers around you, the more likely you are to avoid an accident. A car that avoids accidents, is a car without scratches, paint missing and scuffs, and a car that is in better condition. These days, you are assisted in your safe driving efforts by vehicle technology such as advanced breaking systems, reverse cameras and laminated windscreens.

3. Maintain, maintain, maintain
Mechanically maintaining your car keeps it's as healthy on the inside as it is on the outside. Make sure you have your scheduled services, regularly change the oil and get new tyres as required.

If your mechanic spots an issue, try to deal with it as soon as you can so you don't drive on the issue and make it worse.

4. Cover everything
Car seat covers were invented for a reason! Your car interiors are one of the toughest things to keep clean. They stain easily and are subject to the mud you drag in, the grass stains from the kid's soccer uniforms and the coffee spilt as you drive. The best way to save your interior is to cover everything -- invest in car seat covers, steering wheel covers, floor mats and any other covering available, so when you remove it, your car is in top condition.

5. Start and store
Finally, if you are not using your car, or really only driving it on Sunday's, or every now and then, remember that your car charges as it runs. The longer you leave it alone, the less likely it will be to start. If you are storing your vehicle, start it regularly, kick it over and let it run for a little while.

By the way, do you want to learn more about Automotive? If so, I suggest you check Mobile Phone Car Kit and Bluetooth Handsfree Car Kit.

View the original article here

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