Friday, July 8, 2011

Mobile Car Washing Will Hone Your Interpersonal Relationship Skills

The other day, I got a blast from the past. I met a gentleman that I hardly recognized, and hadn't seen in 25 years. He told me that he used to work for me back in the 80s. Back then I was running a mobile car washing company which had grown quite large serving 53 cities at that time. He told me he missed the good old days. Still, today he is a County Sheriff and I asked how he was doing with the budget cuts, and he was doing fine, he didn't think crime was going to stop anytime soon. Ha ha ha, I thought, indeed.

Indeed, I was interested in how his experience washing and detailing cars in the good old days helped him do his job. He said; "Yes, it has helped in the interpersonal relations needed for good communication in dealing with people in public." Indeed, I wasn't surprised at all because I believe it is one of the best jobs anyone could have to help them learn about business and dealing with people in all sorts of situations, as one learns how to read people from 12 feet away as you approach them.

In fact, I told him that at one point I could tell what people did for a living, and various aspects of their lives merely by the way they stood there. Thus, could figure out how best to deliver a one-liner to break the ice. He agreed completely, and it makes sense considering he is now a Country Sheriff who may get into situations where how he conducts himself will make the difference. Being able to deal with hard to deal with people, being able to diffuse situations, and being able to develop immediate report is extremely important is so many professions.

Then there are the issues of learning how to run a business, give customer service, and stay efficient in production. All of these and more are reasons why young people ought to consider running a mobile car washing or auto detailing business in their teens, or as a young adult, perhaps to pay for college?

In fact, it may turn out that it assists them as it will propel success in their career, regardless of which line of work one chooses in the future. Now then, am I bias in my observations? Certainly, but I also know what I've seen and experienced. This is why I make these bold statements at this point in my life. I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,900 articles by July 4, 2011 is going to be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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